This study attempts to document the land tenure patterns as they currently exist in different provinces. It also records the disparity in incomes, food consumption, and housing quality; impact of floods; indebtedness; and treatment of women in different categories of landowning and non-landowning classes.
This is the report of a pilot study carried out in the districts of Badin, Sanghar, Dadu and Umerkot to assess the impact of asset and skill ownership on women, on their ability to resist shocks due to hazards..
This paper documents the investigations initiated by different stakeholders in to the critical issue and attempts to put together the information for a better understanding of community activists and concerned individuals who were intrigued by a plethora of allegations and counter allegations against powerful actors including the feudal, the politicians, and the state machinery.
This study sought to examine social and legal aspects impacting on the freedom of religion of the minorities in Pakistan. The constituional provisions, laws and judicial-administrative practices via-a-vis minorities were reviewed. An analysis of the role of the state, identity, religion and ideology in shaping the mindset of the dominant Muslim community was also attempted.
The study reviews disasters and their impacts in various parts of the region. A brief account of disasters in different countries in South Asia provides glimpses of the wrath of the nature faced by the poor communities. It also provides insight into policy and institutional responses by different countries. Regional cooperation through SAARC is also discussed in the document.
The report highlights the absence of pro-labour strategies in the country’s economic design. It also highlights the destruction caused by the floods in 2010 and 2011. Consequently, the poor face further deprivation and 2.5 million affectees remain deprived of access to food, water, shelter and healthcare facilities. The flood affectees and working poor of the country do not have decent employment and the state has failed in rehabilitating them. The situation is worsened by an economic policy that relies heavily on exports.
This report is on the status of labour rights in the country. It encompasses four elements: fundamental principles and rights at work and international labour standards; employment and income opportunities; social protection and social security; and social dialogue and tripartism.
The paper studies the lawyers of complexities in labour labws that first marginalize workers and then go to reinforce the vulnerable position of women becuase of the inherent biases in leglislation, rules and practices prevalent in the workforce. It also examines domestic laws against international law that Pakistan is obligated to fulfill and international labour standards it should aim to achieve.
This report is the result of a PILER Project on the terms and conditions that retrenched football stitchers worked under, as well as their present circumstances. It stresses on providing football stitchers with legal aid and capacity-building support, as well as facilitating the emergence of a tripartite institutional mechanism for labour standards compliance and monitoring in Sialkot.
This paper analyses the control of migration across five South Asian states: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. It assesses the protections provided to migrants, as well as the crippling restrictions and burdens placed upon them. It also identifies deficiencies in the existing systems of migration control.
This brief paper investigates the status of women workers in the textile/apparel industries of Pakistan and Bangladesh, and explores the extent of mobilization and organization of women workers in the context of weakened trade unionism in the two countries.
This study was part of a regional which was undertaken in India, Nepal and Pakistan to analyse the effectiveness of past and current interventions for the release and rehabilitation of bonded labour and a component of the Pakistan project was to evaluate the interventions to eliminate bonded child labour in carpet industry in Thar, Sindh. The study focused on, and evaluated the Thardeep Rural Development Project’s (TRDP) interventions made through its Child Rights Protection Project (CRPP) to address the issue of bonded child labour in the carpet industry in the area.
The report assesses the working conditions and employment situation in Pakistan. Apart from the secondary sources of media reports and internet, the report includes the input obtained through surveys, rapid assessments and sector profiles not to mention the national conventions of workers in the textile, brick kilns, transport, construction and light engineering sectors organised by PILER in 2005.
This study presents an overview of road transport sector work environment, labour relations and working conditions and examines workers’ response to address some of the issues relating to social security through collective action.
The film highlights the life and working conditions of female workers in Pakistan.
This documentary depicts the status of workers as litigants in the labour courts in Pakistan.
(2014ء) دریائے سندھ کا کچے کا علاقہ
اس مطالعے میں سندھ کے کچے کے علاقے کے امکانات، غیر قانونی قبضوں کے رجحان، سرکاری پالیسیاں اور انتظامات، بااثر سیاسی شخصیات کے وابستہ مفادات اور سرکاری محکموں کی غفلت اور عدم کارکردگی کا جائزہ لیا گیا ہے۔
(2014ء) زمین کی ملکیت کے ذریعے اثاثوں کی تعمیر
اس کتابچے میں سندھ کی صوبائی حکومت کی جانب سے 2008ء میں شروع کیے گئے بے زمین ہاری منصوبے کا جائزہ لیا گیا ہے۔ اس کتاب میں منصوبے کے تصور، خامیاں، اہم کامیابیاں اور منصوبے کے مستقبل پر روشنی ڈالنے کے علاوہ پاکستان سمیت دنیا کے مختلف حصوں میں زرعی اصلاحات کی تاریخ اور اثرات پر بھی بحث کی گئی ہے۔
(2013ء) سب بچوں کے لیے لازمی تعلیم کی لاگت
اس مقالے کے ذریعے صوبۂ سندھ میں مفت اور لازمی پرائمری اور سیکنڈری تعلیم کی لاگت کو موضوع بنایا گیا ہے۔ یہ نمونہ سماجی تحفظ کے دیگر شعبوں پر بھی لاگو کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ مقالہ نگاروں نے وسائل مختص کرنے کے پیچیدہ سوال کے چند واضح جواب تلاش کرنے کی کوشش کی ہے۔
(2012) نصیر میمن
(2012) زینیہ شوکت
(2011) نبی احمد
(2011) واحد بشیر
(2011) ڈاکٹر سید جعفر احمد اور ڈاکٹر اسد سعید
(2010) عارف حسن
(2010) ڈاکٹر سید جعفر احمد
(2010) ڈاکٹر انعام الحق
(2010) سید محمد علی
(2010) وجاہت مسعود
(2010) ڈاکٹر یان بریمان
(2009) ڈاکٹر علی ارسلان
(2009)ڈاکٹر علی ارسلان
(2008)خادم علی شاہ
(2007) کرامت علی
(2007)رفعت حسین
(2007) احمد سلیم
(2007) کرامت علی
(2007)رفعت حسین
(2007) احمد سلیم
(2006) زینت حسام
(2006) ڈاکٹر مبارک علی
(2006) کامران اصدر علی
(2005) یونین کو جمہوریت کی ضرورت ہے
(2005) زینت حسام
(2005) ڈاکٹر اسد سعید اور فرحان سیم خان
ایٹمی ہتحیار اور تصور جہاد
(2003) زاہدہ حنا
(2003) نایاب نقوی
(2003) ڈاکٹر سید جعفر احمد
(2003) ڈاکٹر سید جعفر احمد
(2002) ڈاکتر عنایت اللہ
(2002) ارون دھتی راءے
(2002) مقتدا منصور
(2002)فرحت پروین
(2002) رفعت حسین
(2001) ڈاکٹر راشد احمد جالندھری
(2001) ڈاکٹر اسد سعید
(2001)ڈاکٹر اسد سعید اور سہیل جاوید
(2001)ڈاکٹر اسد سعید اور سہیل جاوید
(2001) غلام کبریا
(1999) نایاب نقوی
(1996) جیفری ہیرووڈ
پاکستان میں خواتین کارکنوں کی زندگیوں اور روزگار کے حالات کی عکاسی کرنے والی فلم
اس فلم میں پاکستان میں لیبر عدالتوں کی صورت حال کا احاطہ کیا گیا ہے